About the Owners

Where a couple of newly acquainted boys found themselves connecting through music, philosophy, food, booze, dance and a couch. The 2 co-owners, Camilo Otalora and Steven Clement, were learning a lot from one another and eventually decided to move in together to further their friendship. Many trips were had, a lot of music consumed and many late-night celebrations materialized from this partnership. Fast forward to a present-day ownership with 1 common thing in mind: be a purveyor of good times (PGT). That can mean a lot of things. To us, it means having the courage to be yourself and let your light shine. Be considerate when the time is right. Be loud when the moment occurs and be soft and silent when needed. Don’t be afraid to facilitate a little dance party. We want to bring a fun, funky and fresh feel to the Over-the-Rhine neighborhood.